What Are the Positions in Volleyball? A Beginner’s Guide!


If you have ever attended a volleyball match, you must have heard of hitters, blockers, setters, etc. But, what exactly are the meanings of these words? Well, they are none other than positions in Volleyball. When I started playing volleyball, middle hitter was one of the most favorite positions of mine. I played as a middle hitter on my high school volleyball team.

In this article, I will explain everything about player positions in volleyball, their roles, and their benefits. Let us dive into the article to learn more about the significance of these positions in volleyball.

What Are the Positions in Volleyball?

The volleyball game has seven positions for players. These positions are designed to fulfill requirements in offensive or defensive play. Here’s a detailed information about these positions:

1. Opposite Hitter (OPP):

This position is opposite to the strong (left) side hitter. It is also called right opposite hitter. They are placed behind the setter. The main role of an outside hitter is to swing the ball from the front and back row, blocking the way for the opponent team’s outside hitter, and balance defensive and offensive play. They must be able to receive the serve from the opponent team and jump ideally to return the serve.

2. Outside Hitter(OH):

The opposite hitter is the lead attacking position for offensive play. It is also called left-side hitter because the player in this position blocks and hits the ball from the left side of the court.

They must jump higher to serve the ball in tough conditions and promptly respond to the incoming serve. Their main role is to play in left or middle back defense, facing and hitting the upcoming ball in front and back row, playing in defense in back row, and blocking. Outside hitters get most of the serves when the setter is not there.

3. Middle Blocker/ Middle Hitter (MB):

As the name indicates, Middle blockers or hitters block and hit the ball from the middle court. This position is the best for fast services from behind the setter.  MBs are in the first-line defense to block the serve from the opponent team.

They must sense the upcoming serves from opponent-attacking players and raise their hands high above the net to block the ball defensively. This is my favorite position in volleyball because I get to score points fast along with blocking and defending the serves.

4. Setter (S):

The setter is the main position to determine the offensive strategy. Setters receive the second ball and set it for OP, OPP, or MB. A setter is like a team leader who manages the serving tactics of all positions. Legendary Bruno Rezende is my favorite setter. This Olympic gold and silver medalist is the world’s best setter in volleyball. He is known for his finesse and serving skills.

The role of a setter is that he must communicate with all team members and bring all team members together as a team. He must be skilled in setting the ball for hitters with second contact, blocking the opponent’s outside hitter serves in the front row, directly offending the opponent’s serves, and playing right-back defense.

5. Libero (L):

Liberopoosition is at the back row of the court. Liberos play in defense and have a different-colored jersey than their teammates. Their position is in the back row five out of the six rotations. Liberos are not a part of substitution when they come in the place of another player.

The main role of Liberos is to change direction promptly when needed, not to attack the ball from above the net height, and to back up middle blockers. They should act as serving receiving specialists to overhand set a front-row attacker from behind the 10-foot line.

For more details, kindly visit our article ‘What is Libero?’ here.

6. Serving Specialist (SS):

A serving specialist subs in serve for the weaker player behind the service line. They can play offensively or defensively with a strong and determined to serve. They must compete consistently, sub in serves only, and offer a tough return of serve to the opponent.

7. Defensive Specialist (DS):

The position for subbing in for a player only to play back-row is a defensive serve. A defensive specialist has similar work to a Libero to some extent. But, they do not wear different-colored jerseys.

The main responsibility of a DS is to pass on serve receive with control to the opponent defensively. A DS only has the power to substitute out any player on the court. They play in the back row area of the court.

Volleyball Position Rotation:

Position NumberPosition in CourtPosition Name
4Right FrontOpposite Hitter
3Centre FrontMiddle Blocker
2Left FrontOutside hitter
5Right BackSetter
6Centre BackMiddle blocker
1Left BackOutside hitter

Image explaining the volleyball positions: Name & Zone on the court

Section 7.4 in the FIVB’s official 2024 rulebook for volleyball states about the player’s positions on the court. There are 6 serving positions on the volleyball court.  It has 3 front row positions and 3 back row positions. The players rotate in these positions while serving the ball. Position 1 is the serving position.

The players have to rotate clockwise during the game. There’s an easy way to remember the rotation. Player 1 serves the ball from position 1, then Player 2 serves the ball, then Player 3 serves the ball, etc.


  1. What is position 6 in volleyball?

Position 6 in volleyball is the middle back position. It is also called ‘zone 6’. Middle blockers stay at this position at the start of the game. After rotation, Liberos replace this position.

  1. What is the role of OH in volleyball?

Outside hitters (OH) are the lead attack players of volleyball on the left side of the court.  They pass from zone 5 and attack from zone 4.


Knowing about the position is as important as playing this game. If you are a recreational or professional player, you must know these 7 important positions in volleyball games to ensure fair play. Mastering the skills for defense, offense, rotation, and attack at the right time is crucial when you work in the position of volleyball. What kind of position do you prefer and why? Do let me know in the comment section.

About the author

Hey, I’m Irfan Siddiqui and I'm your coach with 20+ years of experience in playing & coaching volleyball I'll take your volleyball game to the next level. Here at Onelifevolleyball, I'll be writing volleyball guides from my personal experience that will help you learn essential skills to forming advanced strategies.

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